Android Studio Freelance
Full project source codes, information security, cryptography, freelance, consulting

Open Source Code

Android Developer
   Neural networks can be used in software pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) in a variety of ways. One of the options is to train a neural network on the dynamics of entropy changes on a physical “noise” generator and then use it in a PRNG.
   The accumulated data can be used to generate data from the master key or to post-process the generated numbers. At the same time, the reproducibility of the results for the sender and recipient of the encrypted data is maintained.
   One of the significant advantages of this technology is a significant reduction in the cost of studying the generator code during cryptanalysis.
   So far these new versions have comments in Russian, but I am now preparing a translation into English.
  JAVA PROJECT WebCam >>  
Complete Android JAVA application project PhotoWebCam - Photo by the Registrar. Compiles, installs and runs on Android 10 and 11. This is done because used smartphones are much cheaper and you don’t mind leaving them as a Web Camera
A decent base platform for your own developments. Full functionality. The Apache FTP Client library is already included in the project
  JAVA PROJECT TrackerGPS >>  
Complete Android JAVA application project BGndTGramTracker - A tracker that determines coordinates using GPS or Base Stations and sends them to an SMS or Telegram channel. The project is fully functional, compiled and installed The project can be an attractive basis for your resume, your own developments or for a course project. The ZIP archive contains a description - README.pdf and all the files
Complete Android JAVA application project AudioREG - actually a voice recorder with an FTP client. Uploads records (your alibi) to your web server. The project is fully compiled and installed An excellent basic project for your own development, for your resume or course project. The Apache FTP Client library is included in the project. ZIP archive contains description - README.pdf

Android Developer

I develop JAVA modules, classes, libraries in Android STUDIO to add new functionality to applications or increase competitiveness. Or complete ready-made applications: Photo Web Cam - photo recorder with FTP client, AudioREG - audio recorder with FTP client, Big Int PRNG - pseudo-random number generator 1024 bit dimension, Big Prime INT NUMBERS - for selecting special pairs of prime numbers of large dimension
Big Prime NUMBER >>
Android Developer >>
   Android Developer
Photo Registrar >>
Languages Flashcards >>
Training neural networks >>
   Many of these applications or methods can be downloaded as Open Source codes and freely used in your projects. From time to time I update projects and add new useful and interesting features. Whoever downloads and uses these ready-made projects first will get an advantage.
Android Developer >>
Android Java Projects >>
Java repositories >>

Android Developer




Android Java Open Source Projects. Cyprus Java developer. German Language C++ and Python Programmer
Android Open Source

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